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Changelog 24 (09/11)

GitHub-enhanced stack traces

Highlight is all about tight integrations. We’ve expanded our GitHub integration to link stack traces directly to the relevant files in your GitHub repo.

It’s easy to enable and even easier to use.

It seems like a tiny feature at first, but it’ll spoil you. You’ll question how you ever lived without it.

GitHub Integration Docs

Session search moves to ClickHouse

We’ve shipped a new UI for searching sessions, and session search is now fully powered by ClickHouse. That means you get a snappy search experience with real-time previews of the keys you can use to search.

Session Search Filters

Algora open-source bounties

We’ve been posting bounties to, and folks have been claiming them!

Our core team is stretched thin enough with feature work and the tricky, involved bugs that we prioritize every day, which leaves all the small bugs to languish, unaddressed. Until now!

Algora is helping us stay focused while incentivizing the Highlight community to close out bugs and claim some cold, hard cash.

If this program keeps growing, will we even need a core team???

Algora dashboard

Error tag embeddings

We’ve been playing around with Large Language Model (LLM) embeddings and applying them to our error data.

Now that we’re saving embeddings for each of our errors, we might as well make those embeddings searchable!

Visit to see our latest experiment. We’ve made our internal Highlight App errors taggable and searchable via LLM. Toss in an error message of your own, or test one of our error messages to see how the system categorizes it.

error tags