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Sourcemaps has first-party support for enhancing minified stacktraces in JavaScript. We also support options for sending sourcemaps to us in the case that your sourcemaps aren't public.

Browser JavaScript Sourcemaps

Read more about it in our getting started doc

Node.js Backend Sourcemaps

Depending on your backend code implementation, your sourcemap setup may vary. The following instructions should work for most bundlers that convert source written in Typescript to .js files:


If you build your .ts files into node.js .js bundles with tsc, the only configuration change required is in the tsconfig.json file.

Add the following to the compilerOptions object:

{ "compilerOptions": { "sourceMap": true, "inlineSources": true } }

sourceMap enables typescript generation of files, while inlineSources populates the sourcesContent key in the .map files to embed the source code of your application into the map. These sourcemaps, once uploaded to highlight, allow us to convert your minified errors back to their source line, showing a preview of the typescript code that encountered the error.

Uploading sourcemaps

Let's assume you run the sourcemap uploader from your repository root, your bundled backend node.js code is written to ./backend/dist, and the code is deployed to lambda where it runs from /var/run/dist/. You'll want to use the @highlight-run/sourcemap-uploader package as so:

yarn @highlight-run/sourcemap-uploader upload --apiKey "${HIGHLIGHT_API_KEY}" --appVersion "${APP_VERSION}" --path ./backend/dist --basePath /var/run/dist/

The HIGHLIGHT_API_KEY environment variable will correspond to the API key for highlight, found in the project settings. The APP_VERSION environment variable will correspond to the serviceName and serviceVersion, separated by -. For example, if your node.js application calls H.init with service_name: 'express', serviceVersion: 'abc123', the APP_VERSION should be set to express-abc123.